Underage Drunk Driving in Atlanta GA

Underage Drunk Driving in Atlanta GA

For all of you who are underage, or for all of you who have children younger than 21 years old, you should know that Underage Drunk Driving in Atlanta, Georgia, brings different consequences to the ones who are caught in driving under the influence of alcohol. Driving under the influence of alcohol is forbidden for everyone, no matter how old they are, but for the ones who are 21 years and younger, the state of Georgia has zero-tolerance.

The only situation where underage persons can consume alcohol, is at their home, in the presence of their parents or guardians. Every other situation where underage persons are consuming alcohol is perceiving as illegal. Especially the situation where persons under the age of 21 are driving under the influence of alcohol.

That’s why, in Atlanta, Georgia, underage people can expect to get serious legal penalties for being caught drinking and driving.

If the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is higher than 0,02%, there will be some minor legal penalties. But, if the test shows that the blood alcohol concentration is 0,08% or higher, the legal penalties will be much stricter. Of course, if this is the first conviction for the underage person, the legal penalty will not be so strict. But, if this is not the first conviction, the underage person can expect to get more serious legal penalties.

If the underage has been caught in drunk driving for the first time, with the blood alcohol concentration in the range from 0,02% up to 0, 08%, here are the possible penalties: No mandatory jail time, Community service for 20 hours, Licence suspension for six months, and the money fine from $300.00 up to $1,000.00.

If the underage has been caught in drunk driving for the second time, with the blood alcohol concentration of 0,08% or higher, here are the possible penalties: Spending a minimum of 24 hours in jail, Community service in the duration of 40 hours, License suspension for one year, and the money fine from $600.00 up to $1,000.00.

If the underage has been caught in drunk driving for the third time, with the blood alcohol concentration of 0,02% or higher, here are the possible penalties: Spending a minimum of 5 days in jail, Community service for 30 days, License suspension for five years, and the money fine from $1,000.00 up to $5,000.00.

As you can see by yourself, the state of Georgia is extremely strict when it comes to Underage Drunk Driving, and the penalties are stricter, as the number of times the underage has been caught in drunk driving rises, and as the blood alcohol concentration rises.

That’s why it is very important to make sure not to get yourself in the situation where you are drinking and driving because as you can see, the state of Georgia has zero tolerance for that. If you do find yourself in a situation like this, make sure to find a well-experienced lawyer who can help you get out of the situation with minimum consequences.