Reckless Driving in Georgia DUI Cases

Motorists in Georgia who are charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are also frequently charged with reckless driving. One Floyd County motorist faced these types of charges recently after a hit-and-run incident. The motorist allegedly struck two vehicles and fled the scene of the accident before being apprehended by Floyd County law enforcement.

A passenger in one of the struck vehicles was so seriously injured that the passenger required medical treatment at a local hospital. Law enforcement eventually charged the motorist who caused the incident with causing serious injuries by vehicle, fleeing the scene of a wreck, reckless driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol.

The motorist was then placed in Floyd County Jail without bond.

Requirements of a Reckless Driving Charge

Reckless driving in the State of Georgia is defined as operating a motor vehicle with a “reckless disregard of persons or property.” This charge requires law enforcement to demonstrate that an individual acted with a required level of intent. Georgia law enforcement, however, uses a wide variety of situations to encompass reckless driving charges.

Some of the most common situations that can result in Georgia motor vehicle drivers being charged with reckless driving include excessive speeding, racing motor vehicles, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, or passing other motor vehicles in an unsafe or dangerous manner.

Often times, it is up to the discretion of the officer who initiated the citation or arrest and the judge who hears the case at trial to determine whether an individual’s driving behavior constitutes the seriousness of this charge.

Consequences of a Reckless Driving Charge

Reckless driving in the State of Georgia is classified as a misdemeanor. Motorists can expect to have four points placed on their driver’s license due to reckless driving. Georgia motorists should understand that their driver’s license will be suspended if the driver accumulates fifteen points within a 24-month period.

The Benefits of a Reckless Driving Charge

For many motorists in Georgia who are charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, a reckless charge can be particularly valuable. Lessening a driving under the influence charge to a reckless driving charge can have several particular benefits including:

  • Removing any license suspension or license suspension from an individual’s driving record, and
  • Not resulting in the same penalties and enhanced fines that driving under the influence charge would.

Retain the Services of a Knowledgeable Atlanta DUI Attorney

When Georgia motorists are charged with driving under the influence, reckless, or any other similar type of driving charge, it is easy to feel uncertain about how to respond to such charges. The legal counsel at Yeargan & Kert has helped many motorists in similar situations obtain favorable outcomes.