Battling DUI Charges in Atlanta Georgia

A DUI conviction can have far-reaching repercussions, even for first time offenders. You could lose your license, face criminal charges, fines and fees as well as alcohol education and counseling sessions and jail time; so it is wise to retain an experienced Atlanta DUI Lawyer when fighting charges against you. Any drunk driving conviction also leaves permanent marks in the form of permanent records which should be managed carefully in order to safeguard future opportunities.

There are various strategies available to you in Georgia for fighting back against DUI charges, but one of the most effective is hiring a skilled lawyer who will review your case and identify possible defenses to use as your best possible strategy against it. Our team of attorneys possess expert knowledge about Georgia DUI law and tactics which they will employ towards getting you a favorable result in your case.

At this early stage, it is crucial that your Atlanta DUI lawyer request all of the prosecution’s evidence against you by filing motions for discovery. Doing this ensures you have all of the information needed to successfully challenge a DUI charge.

Step two of fighting a DUI arrest should involve filing for an administrative hearing with the Georgia Department of Driver Services within 30 days after arrest. An Atlanta DUI lawyer can file your request and represent you during this hearing to keep your driving privileges while fighting your case.

Police officers frequently request drivers take field sobriety tests, which include walking in a straight line, touching your nose to the tip of your finger and balancing on one foot. An experienced DUI lawyer may argue that poor performances may not necessarily indicate intoxication – instead citing other possible reasons such as being overweight or uncoordinated, wearing restricting clothing prior to testing, eating beforehand or weather conditions as potential explanations for their poor results.

Your DUI can also be challenged by challenging the accuracy of chemical test results or alleging that police officer administered it improperly. Your Atlanta DUI lawyer’s job is to identify flaws in evidence which can help your cause;

Finally, another way of mitigating penalties in your DUI case is pleading guilty to a lesser offense like reckless driving. Doing this may allow you to forgo jail time while potentially reducing fines and fees that must be paid; your Georgia DUI attorney should negotiate this for you before agreeing to any plea bargain agreements – be sure that they review every aspect of your case first!