Behind the Gavel: Atlanta’s DUI Attorney Landscape Uncovered

DUI cases often require extensive investigations of facts and evidence surrounding an incident, and an experienced Atlanta DUI attorney will be able to identify weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case as well as raise legal arguments that may result in dismissals or reduced punishments such as fines or jail time.

Behind the Gavel: Atlanta’s DUI Attorney Landscape Uncovered Conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) in Georgia can result in harsh penalties such as prison time, fines, probationary periods and driver license suspension – to name but a few. Therefore it’s critical that those accused of DUI seek advice from an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer as soon as they face charges; waiting could give the prosecution an advantage in court proceedings.

How was the gavel first employed in courtrooms? Originally used in Medieval England to call proceedings to order and maintain decorum, and signal that any decisions issued by the court were final, its ceremonial use quickly spread throughout courtrooms as it didn’t depend on an individual user like mace or scepter do.

A gavel’s small platform serves as a resonant surface, amplifying the sound produced when judges strike it with mallets or hammers, so everyone in the room can hear his or her commands. The name “gavel” likely refers to its shape resembling that of either. Ceremonial gavels have been around for hundreds of years and continue to symbolize power and authority of judges over those appearing before them.

As soon as you’ve been charged with DUI, it is vitally important that you find an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer capable of representing both the criminal and civil aspects of the Department of Driver Services case against you. A competent DUI attorney will help protect against license suspension by negotiating with DDS to have their charges dismissed or at least reduced; while their legal knowledge allows them to raise legal issues before court and protect your rights while also fighting even the most severe DUI allegations.

Our law firm offers extensive experience defending DUIs in Municipal, Probate, State and Superior Court in Atlanta and throughout Northern Georgia. We have successfully negotiated plea deals to lesser charges or won jury trials for numerous DUI cases in Metro Atlanta and beyond – with an Avvo client review rating of 9.5/10; call now to arrange a complimentary no obligation case evaluation with one of our DUI lawyers; we’re available 24 hours a day! We look forward to speaking with you about this!