Hit and Run

Georgia Hit and Run

When you are cited with Hit and Run charge the officer has the option of simply issuing you a citation, or arresting you. Hit and Run is a misdemeanor in Georgia, and carries a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine, 12 months in jail, and suspends your driver’s license.

Being convicted of a Georgia Hit and Run, or pleading no contest, will suspend your Georgia Driver’s License, or privilege to drive in this state, for a minimum period of 4 months. A Georgia Hit and Run conviction may also have far reaching implications such as loss of insurance coverage, increased premiums, or loss of employment.

Hit and Run is one of the most improperly charged offenses in the State of Georgia. Traffic conditions, confusion, and other drivers can cause someone to be charged with Hit and Run when they did not commit this crime. Officers often mistakenly charge people with Hit and Run when they should have been charged with a less serious offense such as Failure to Report an Accident or Striking a Fixed Object.

Georgia Hit and Run charges have many defenses built into them which can help you beat this charge, and keep your driver’s license from being suspended. Such defenses include whether the other vehicle was being driven or attended, the behavior of the other driver after the accident, and whether you struck another vehicle or if you only struck an object such as a street sign or telephone pole.

If you were arrested for a Georgia Hit and Run the charge is already on your criminal history, but it is not yet on your driving history. If you were only given a ticket for Hit and Run the charge is not on your criminal history or your driving history. In either event, your license will only be suspended if you are convicted of Hit and Run.

Contact us today to find out how to keep this charge off of your driving history, remove it from your criminal history, and keep your driver’s license from being suspended.